[Img] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Flag_of_Prussia_1892-1918.svg/1024px-Flag_of_Prussia_1892-1918.svg.png [/Img] The following was spoken at an unprecedented press conference by Minister-President von Bismarck when asked about the Ottoman Empire's comments. "There is a subtle difference between the terms 'neutral mediator' and 'neutral party' that may be lost on our Turkish friends due to the barbaric simplicity of their backwards language. For that, they are to be forgiven. As well, I send them an up-to-date map, since they believe Flanders is a French province, which hasn't been so since Bonaparte. In any conflict between a German State and France, Prussia would do its best to consider the interests of both sides equally, hence, neutral mediator. However, if the lands within the German Confederation ever of a member of the German Confederation came under French attack, Prussia would immediately come to its defense, Austria included. In this way, Prussia is a neutral mediator, nit a neutral party. Austria declared itself a neutral party, calling into question if it would defend the territorial integrity of a German State if it was attacked. To this, Austria has yet to clearly state that if a German State for any reason was attacked, that it would be defended, and that is concerning. As neutral mediator, Prussia determined the first thing to do was put an immediate halt to the violence. The justice of the Netherlands cause could not be denied, and so peace was made at the expense of the Belgians. With the war over, negotiations can begin. Prussia also believes that a Flemish revolt would have been bloodier and appropriately did all in its power to prevent one."