Amber saluted and nodded. "Yes sir, meet you at city hall then." She said motioning for Golovkin to follow her quickly putting her helmet back on over her head making a job down the streets, passing through old store fronts and alleyways making sure that none of the other Covenant would spot her and Golovkin, Amber approached from the west, in the distance she could see the glow of plasma weapon fire coming from both grunts and jackals, they were by a hotel she spotted Wiley and Tuck but couldn't see Davis anywhere. "Provide cover fire for me, Davis is in the building and its not going to be standing for much longer." Amber said to Golovkin nodded and started to make a dash towards Wiley and Tuck he took out his SAW and opened fire on two of the grunts. "We are under attack!" Yelled the grunt before it was gunned down by a hail of bullets along with it's brother. Amber snuck into the side entrance of the hotel, she took out her combat knife and hid behind the wall, she could see a grunt its plasma pistol aiming trying to search for Davis and wasn't suspecting Amber was nearby. She snuck up behind it and grabbed the small alien's breathing mask and quickly yanked it off of its face, the creature started gasping for air trying to get its methane mask back on only to get it's neck slit open by Amber's knife. The ODST saw a glow of a jackal's arm shield and quickly took out her SMG the Jackal's back was turned and fired several round from her silenced SMG killing the alien. "Davis your free to come out now, the building wont last much longer!" Amber yelled through the radio just as the building started to rumble again dust coming from the ceiling. Amber walked towards the dead jackal and ripped it's arm mounted shield from it's wrist and pressed a button on it's side watching it come to life and quickly shut it off and attached it to her right arm.