[CENTER][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg/800px-Imperial_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Empire_of_Austria_%281815%29.svg.png[/img] [B]Kaiserthum Oesterreich[/B] The Austrian Empire[/CENTER] The Austrian Empire will not entertain this folly any longer. The Kingdom of Prussia grasps at straws as it attempts to keep its argument afloat and outright refuses to acknowledge the generosity bestowed upon the German Confederation by the signatories of the Treaty of Constantinople, including the French Empire. Furthermore, the Austrian Empire reminds the Kingdom of Prussia that it opted to become a neutral third party not within the German Confederation but between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. We would like to point out that the Kingdom of Prussia threatened war with the French Empire shortly before the Treaty of Constantinople was signed, endangering both the German Confederation and its inhabitants and disrupting the Concert of Europe. Austria remains a neutral third party in quelling the Kingdom of Prussia’s aggression, first evident by its aggression against the French Empire and presently by its blatant violation of Article I of the Treaty of Constantinople. We will no longer dignify this dribble with a response. We hope that the Minister-President of the Kingdom of Prussia overcomes his apparent alcohol problem, as it is clearly affecting his capacity to make rational decisions and coherent arguments. Good day. - Johann Bernhard von Rechberg und Rothenlöwen, Foreign Minister