[center]The first thing that Marco had noticed was that the kid had instantly changed his personality front. Alright, he could work with this. The first move was. . unusual to say the least. The boy had ordered his Lillipup to . . melt the battefield and run across it?! That sounded oddly painful. [b]"Rivet, Razor Wind!"[/b] The Absol stood didn't hesitate to follow her trainer's instructions, seeing as the Lillipup drew closer, she immediately stood her ground, waiting for the Lillipup to get a little closer. [i]Closer, closer, closer. . [/i], the scythe upon her head gathered with light. Two sharp edges of wind brushed against the ground and were sent flying into the direction of the Lillipup. [i]Now to see if they actually hit.[/i] [/center]