[u][b]Reservations are closed for now.[/b][/u] [hider=Creation] In the beginning, there was only the Overgod, and the Void. The Void was populated with the Overgod's thoughts and feelings. They were wistful, appearing and then disappearing. Time was simultaneous. All was well, until one of these thoughts, who would later take the name Melkaia, discovered itself. In so doing, it shattered time, causing a rearranging of all things. The universe exploded into existence, and Melkaia was separated from the Overgod and The Void, only able to traverse this new universe. The Overgod, who was outside of this new universe, was powerless to effect or change anything within, and could only watch, uncomprehending, as Melkaia blundered about in his youthful self-awareness. Melkaia first named itself. Then, with a name, it wandered the universe, in search of life. Eventually, it came across a planet that seemed to be thriving. It gushed forth new life, which had the potential to change and evolve. Melkaia watched with great interest as the intelligence and complexity of the life forms on the planet increased to grow. Melkaia could not, however, communicate with them. He tried once, and the great boom of his voice nearly destroyed the planet. So, it decided to create a new race, who would be guides and leaders for these lesser races on the planet. Melkaia molded these new Gods to be as varied and evolving as the races below, and slung them to the planet. However, in it's inexperience, Melkaia accidentally put forth too much of itself into it's new creations. As these new Gods seeded the earth like so many falling stars, Melkaia breathed it's last, and died. The new Gods, unaware of their origin, but acutely aware of their superiority, took charge over their various aspects and peoples. Some took to the forests, others to the seas and deserts, and others to the mountains. Some subjugated lesser races, while others guided them to prosperity, or defended them from harm. Gradually, the Gods began to found nations, and their peoples began to build cities. The world as it is now, began to come into it's own. Now, six hundred years since the Gods fell to the world, it remains to be seen whether Melkaia's work was a gift to the lesser races, or a curse. [/hider] [hider=The World] If somebody knows a good map generator, I would be in your debt. For now, I'll have to describe it as having eight continents of varying sizes, four oceans, and varying temperatures, ecosystems, and climates. I'll go into details a bit later.[/hider] [hider=God Template] Name: Title(s): Seat of Power: Your God's HQ, so to speak. Can be anything from a shrine to a castle. Images welcome, but not required. Divine Aspects: Such as War, Nature, Wealth, etc. These are a result of your God's actions through time, and do not necessarily reflect ability. Choose three. Appearance: May have up to three forms. Keep in mind that Gods are entirely physical, so there will be no ethereal forms or anything like that. Pictures are fine, but try to steer clear of too much anime. Will make some exceptions. Choose three forms. Artifacts: Items that your God possesses which have divine worth/abilities, whether they had it upon their arrival, or have created them since, is up to you. Choose three. Can obtain more throughout the RP. Unique abilities: Powers that set you apart from other Gods. Every God has them. Choose two for now. More can manifest during the RP. Personal History: What has your God been doing since they were created? Keep in mind that they were made with inborn knowledge of things, but not of their own origins Personality: Other: Anything you'd like to note, which I left out. [/hider] [hider=Nation Template] Name: Location: What terrain is your nation located in? Does it span multiple different terrain-types? Government: Many Gods personally oversee their nations, but some nations have elected officials, and other ruling mortal parties. Dominant race: The main population of your nation. Be sure to explain their appearance, and abilities. Other races: This includes any slave castes or beasts of burden/domesticated creatures. Be sure to explain their appearance, and abilities. Wild Flora/fauna: What wild animals inhabit your nation's territory? Be sure to explain their appearance, and abilities. Specialization: What does your Nation specialize in? This is usually a direct result of your God's teachings. Some examples are Seafaring, Metallurgy, Trading, War, etc. National History: Alliances: Enemies: Notable People: These can be god-chosen champions or politicians. Anyone of true importance to your nation Other: [/hider] [hider=General info] -Gods, as mentioned above, have no knowledge of their creation, but they have an inborn knowledge of many things, usually relating to their divine aspects. -Though they can change their physical appearances, Gods will always have a physical body. The topic of the soul is as much speculation for the gods as it is for mortals. Nobody knows what becomes of a God upon death. -Most Gods will know of at least a few others by now. Many will actually list others as allies or enemies. Remember, it's been six hundred years. I'd love to see some fleshed-out pre-history develop between your nations and Deities before we start. -All Gods have a universal superiority over mortal races. They are all vastly physically superior to any mortal creature, though strength varies between Gods. They will not die of age, and indeed only age visually if they choose. They are tougher by leaps and bounds than most mortal creatures, and can withstand extreme amounts of punishment, though this too varies between Gods. [/hider] Rules: -Obviously, forum rules do apply -Though divine aspects can overlap, try not to have too many overlapping aspects with somebody else's God. I'll probably only allow one overlap for now. This will also hinge on your ability to get along with the other person. If you can't be civil, then it will come down to my decision. -If you have any questions, ask me. This is a newly-developed idea, really, so if anything is unclear, I'd like to discuss it and clear it up. -The OOC won't be too strict. I like banter. That said, be reasonable. I don't want to have ten pages to catch up on when I wake up in the morning. - I doubt it needs to be said, but no auto-hitting, godmodding(hah) or powerplaying. -This will be high-end casual to advanced roleplaying. Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, and spelling are a must. Also, I prefer quality over quantity. That said, you should have enough to go on to fill out a decent-sized post. After all, you have both a God, and a nation to roleplay At the very least, three paragraphs, though I'd prefer more. --- [u][b]Accepted Gods/Nations Roster[/b][/u] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1425071] Krustaliem / Glacinus[/url] (The Nexerus) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1426659] Crowned-By-Fire / The Fireblood Clans[/url] (Dead Cruiser) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1427846] Malag-Haramon/ Haramonian Empire[/url] (Me) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1429799] The Guardian / Imperial Ullanor[/url] (SillyGoy) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1430013] Xisuthra / Ibish[/url] (TheSovereignGrave) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1430299] Targ / The Bloodfang Tribe[/url] (Enalais) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1433527] Reon / Iliogis[/url] (VitaVitaAR) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1434152] Gnollengrom Whitebeard / Khazukan Ankor[/url] (Rin) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=5#post-1448351] Anishar / Flotilla of Anishar and Drusilla's End[/url] (Psithurism) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47334/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1435504] Hardy / Arashne[/url] (Grey Star)