Frankly, I'm getting sick of people who's sole purpose on this site seems to be to preach in some way about gay rights (i.e. beating us all over the head with the fact that their character is gay/lez/bi/trans, having some backstory that [i]entirely[/i] revolves around that, setting up an RP about how all our characters are suffering from oppression because they're gay, etc.) Look, I'm not gay, I [i]am[/i] Christian, and I do not support homosexuality. That being said, I really don't care all that much if you [i]are[/i] a homosexual. Fine. That's your choice, and me telling you I disapprove of it is probably going to do very little, if anything, to change you or your decisions, so I won't waste my oxygen. But please, for the love of a decent RP thread, stop trying to smother your fellows with your own personal beliefs. You don't like it when [i]we[/i] get all preachy about [i]our[/i] beliefs. tl;dr version: Shut up about gay rights and let's just RP already. I want to have fun, not listen to eloquent whining.