Floor eleven, it was hard to believe they had gotten so far. Granted it had taken quite some time, four months in fact. By now the player count had stagnated, with deaths still occurring but nowhere near like what the beginning of the game had shown. As well as managing to increase their odds of survival players had begun to gather together and form guilds, and already some were standing out. Chief amongst the guilds was the Knights of Blood, perhaps the strongest organized guild yet to appear. Led by a man by the name of Heathcliffe, it was bar none the most respected of them all, that much was certain. Their singular goal was to clear the game and free everyone from their digital prison, hence the overwhelming favor and backing they received. And while many players laid the same claim the Knights were amongst the few who could seriously back it up. When it came time to strike at the 11th boss then it was unanimous that they would lead the charge, with Heathcliffe seeing to the overall command of the raid. With nearly fifty combatants prepared to fight it was one of the largest raid groups yet assembled, filled to the brim with plenty capable players. Suto and company were amongst the swathes, designated by themselves as one of the forward teams due to their skill. So when the doors opened and the battle was set to begin they all charged headlong in, expecting to find some hulking beast awaiting them on the other side. Everyone was rather confused then when the only thing they came across was a homely looking man, a religious figure of some sorts. Needless to say people were rather confused. At first it seemed like there might be some sort of quest here, perhaps something different to the standard boss formula. Unlike previous bosses this one wasn't immediately hostile, and what's more seemed to recognize the players in its presence. Namely Luna, for whatever reason, she was the one who was being focused on. There was clear hesitation at first, as who wouldn't be cautious in a situation like this? As it became apparent that they'd not be able to continue otherwise she finally relented, stepping forward as she was asked to. In a blink of an eye things took a turn for the worst, and nearly got Luna killed. She had nearly reached the man until an uneasy feeling made her halt, grabbing at her knives instinctively. Just as her fingers wrapped around the cool metal of her tools the man began to shift at a startling rate, changing into something more reminiscent of a demon. It had all happened so fast, and Luna scarcely had time to react to it. As the beast reared its ugly head a massive hand swung out, smacking her away like an insect and slamming her into one of the nearby walls. Hardly a second after she tumbled to the floor an immense weight landed on her, threatening to crush her had she her true body. All Luna could muster was a timid whimper as the monster glowered down at her, and then it began its attack. Feeling its claws tearing through her she began to scream, pitifully lifting her arms to try and protect herself. Horrifyingly enough she could see her health bar above her quickly dwindling, rather swiftly dipping into the yellow and then alarmingly into the red. She was going to die here, she told herself. She was going to be killed by a cheap shot and nothing could be done about it. Seeing a hand lift in slow motion she braced herself, squeezing her eyes closed for the death strike that would never come. By a saving grace a few players leapt into action, taking on the beast finally and forcing it away from her. Suto watched in silent awe as Fitch, Nero and Heathcliffe threw themselves at the boss, beating it back and making it look easy in the process. While he might be of some use against the boss his strengths lay in more individual combat and speed, whereas it seemed sheer power and defense reigned here. There was something he could do though, and that was try to help Luna. Taking off across the room he began to scroll through his inventory, hastily finding one of his two health crystals and taking it out for use. Luna was still where she had been a moment before, laid out and looking properly unsettled by what had happened. Once reaching her Suto knelt down, not even saying a word as he used the item on his friend. Seeing her health beginning to climb back up again he finally got a sigh of relief, smiling at Luna. "You're okay now. Can you stand?" Luna couldn't believe it. Not only had she been rendered useless, but now Suto of all people had come to her aid. When he spoke to her she looked up at him, wordlessly nodding her head. Critical as she might be normally she couldn't think of anything to say, actually rather indebted to her friend. That was much too close, and she was certainly going to have nightmares now thanks to that. Trembling slightly she pulled herself into a sitting position, managing a small smile. "I'm fine... Thank you." The others seemed to have the boss fight under control, doing a sizable amount of damage on their own. Maybe she'd just sit it out then, let everyone else do their part. Looking back at Suto she smiled thankfully, though it quickly wavered as she saw a handful of implings charging at them. "Look out!" Jumping to his feet at the warning Suto turned around expecting to see the boss, instead being greeted by a small bunch of his minions. While still dangerous in their own right they were far easier to deal with, and therefore nowhere near as terrifying. "Just relax, I got this." he said, grinning as he lifted his hands. Utilizing his higher than average dexterity and speed he rushed ahead to cut off the imps, hoping to keep Luna well out of their reach. Being just shorter than he was he had to strike down at them, though that was hardly an issue. In a serious fight like this his demeanor tended to change from that of carefree to rather serious, though his eager disposition remained. Looming over the first of the imps he stopped on one foot, pivoting his body and swinging a leg out, creating a 'cutting' motion that sliced the monster in two. Once the foot landed he swung an elbow back, nailing an imp in the head and knocking it over, and subsequently stomping on its head to kill it. A third was felled when he stretched his fingers, driving his hand clean through it like a sword in one fell swoop. In the midst of fighting the remaining three closed in, managing to get a few hits of their own to make his health drop to nearly half. Hardly missing a step he pressed on, using his hand like an axe and digging it into one of the imps shoulders, punching it as well to finish it off. The second to last met its end as he kicked it directly in the head, having enough force to send it flying before it shattered into a plethora of pixels. Suto turned to face the last one, only to watch as it ran off and be killed by another player who intercepted it. Feeling rather proud for even just taking out minions he chuckled, almost beaming as he noticed that the boss as well had been felled not too long after. "Damn..." he mumbled, wiping at his forehead, "We make a good team." Luna had become a bystander in the battle, not that she minded terribly. After a close encounter with death she was content in sitting on the sidelines, probably too shaken to really be of much use anyways. She watched on in silent envy and awe as everyone fought their best, impressed for the most part with everyone's performance. Even Suto who she usually bashed was performing well, making light work of half a dozen minions. By the time the battle was finally over they'd sustained relatively few losses, secretly being glad not to be amongst them. Breathing a welcome sigh of relief she began to pick herself up only to be knocked onto her backside by a rather emotional Yari. Stunned by her show Luna sat there for a moment before working up a sad smile, embracing her friend and closing her eyes, letting a few tears flow as well. "Come on now... I'm okay Yari, no reason to cry," she whispered, opening her eyes and looking at her friend tearfully. "Are you okay too? And the others?"