Jötz had just stumbled through the hatchway into the engine room as Ivy grinned at him, told him to catch any flying bits, and then hurled the ticking mint bomb into the boiler’s furnace. Catching however many bits that she had crammed into the improvised light source was hardly the first thing he was going to do, not when he knew how strong boilers had to be and that those tiny bits would ricochet around inside and bounce out even faster than they had gone in once it exploded! Knowing he would regret his choice but not seeing any other, the Jaeger leapt across the water logged room to grab her. Once more she was shielded tightly against his chest, great arms wrapped about her. Then the lantern exploded. The heightened Jaeger sense of smell allowed him to admire the fresh scent of various mints that suddenly filled the air. The odor was pleasing, relaxing even! A cool breeze ruffled his fur and bare head to make him shiver ever so slightly… Only to be followed by the heat of the furnace blasting against his back. The blue-green flames and accompanying sparks shot out of the coal hatch for several seconds in a roaring din, the fire flickering at his damp cloak. The thick material protected his back. The garment itself, however, was ruined. The heat evaporated the moisture that had soaked up into it, and then that same heat ate holes into it through to his tunic. If not for that second level of protection, he had little doubt that most of the fur on his back would have been singed away! Jötz didn’t even want to think what might have happened to Ivy’s face if she had still been standing there, happily staring into the furnace when the lantern exploded! The flames ceased shooting forth and filling the air with refreshing mint, plunging the chamber back into darkness… but only for a moment. Ever so slowly, a soft light began to fill the room. Jötz could even see lights coming alive down the corridor he had just come from, the illuminate gradually increasing as though waking after a long slumber. A low, rattling hum came from all around. Slowly releasing Ivy from his protective embraced, he looked about wide eyed at the changes brought by sight. Then there came a sudden sucking sound, and the water about their calves and knees began to drain away as ancient pumps came to life somewhere unseen. As the barge was freed of the water’s ballast, it began to right itself and float higher in the water. With the additional of whatever artificial light, the condition of the ship could better be seen. It was not great. Some spots were missing their lights, the extent of the rust became more obvious, and by looking up one could see the holes in the deck above. Yet the vessels floated and the engine ran with only the occasional cough. Considering it must have sat there for a few centuries at best, it was impressive! Turning back to Ivy, he looked down into her sweet face and frowned. “Hey, chou gots a bump.”