Nation Name: Ordietene Location: The Capital is in on top of a mountain that is surrounded by a Jungle. The other smaller cities are all located in the jungle. Government: This Nation is ran like the Vatican. They have the highest ranking religious leaders elect someone to rule. They rule for life. Dominant race: The population is 70% Jungle Elf. A Jungle Elf is like a normal elf except it is skinnier and taller. They also have stronger hands so they can get a good grip on Tree limbs to travel fast. Lastly they also are faster. This is needed so they can run from the Dangerous animals in the Jungle. Other races: Another Creature that lives there is a Forest Elf. These guys take up 15% of the population. Unlike Jungle elves these guys are not as tall and they are a bit fatter. The average thing for these guys is 6 foot 3 and 225 pounds. They are a lot stronger then Jungle Elves but there grip is a lot weaker. Another 5% of the population are the Dragon People. These guys are 7 foot 5 and weigh around 500 pounds. They walk on 2 legs and use there arms like a human but they have the skin, face, and the wings of a dragon. They can fly and are used usually hired as royal messengers. Now for the slave caste aka the Jungle Orcs. These idiots take up 10% of the population. They are usually 5 foot 6 and they weigh about 3000 pounds. They can punch right through a diamond wall. They are stupid so they really don't know they are slaves. They are used as Warriors, Gladiators, and Workers. The 3 normal pets are The Sky Lizard, Komodian Phoenix, and The Pygmy Drake. The Sky Lizard also known as the Skytian Lizardo is the poor mans pet. Around the size of Rat these things are used to hunt pests. There main thing is that they glide instead of fall. The Komodian Phoenix is the Police Creature. They are around the size of a shark. Unlike a normal Phoenix they are not surrounded in fire so you can ride on them. They are around the size of a Shark. They can spit a Poisonous fire and if they bite you it gives you 3rd degree burns. The last Pet is the Pygmy Drake. These are the Royal Pets. These things are like normal Drakes but they are just around the size of a German Shepherd. They love to play and they love to run around. They can fly. Wild Flora/fauna: The 3 main animals that live in the area are the Death Drake, The Kratonian Beatle, and the Flying Swine. The Death Drake is about 2 times the size of a normal drake. They blast a fire that turns anything into a skeleton. But they do taste good. The Kratonian Beatle is a giant flying Beatly. Around the size of a Hippo they fly through the forest goring anything they can. They do not taste good and they like to eat plants. The last thing is the Flying Swine. They are Flying Pigs. They make good Bacon. They are also blue. The Main tree in the Nation Giant Jungle Greenwood. These Giant trees reach heights of about half the mountain. They have Green wood and Red leaves. These Trees are homes to the Death Drakes and The Krationian Beetle. The main bush is called The Swine Bush. It is where the Flying Swine like to live. They produce Swine Berries. Specialization: They specialise in Technology. They have the first Fast Chopper. (An Axe with 3 Axe Parts) and the first Mode of Transportation. (The Pygmy Drake Kart. They have 4 Pygmy Drakes fly around to get from city to city. National History: A lot is unknown about them. They first settled on the Mountain as they thought it was a good area to hide from the Death Drakes. They created there second city 10 years after the capital was made. Since then they have expanded to a population of 35 million with a total of 50 cities. Alliances: None Enemies: None Notable People: The founder of the Empire Orndaer the Wise was the first person to venture into the jungle alone. He managed to kill a Death Drake. He was also the first person to domesticate animals. God Name: Sat-Ze Title(s): The Great King. The Elven Lord. King of the Elves Seat of Power: A cave under the largest Giant Jungle Greenwood. The cave has not been found by anyone and the walls are made of Gold and Lapis. The floor made of copper, His thrown made of Diamond and the roof made of Death Drake skin Divine Aspects: Death, Craftsmanship, Sun Appearance: He only has 1 form. He looks like a Jungle elf but he has Wings of a Phoenix growing out. He wears Black Armor with the Chest plate Having a picture of the sun with a skull inside Artifacts: The skull of Death. Said to bring upon a rain of Death Drakes. This item is a helmet. It is hidden under the floor of his Cave. The Sun Ring. This Item is a ring that grants the user control of fire. It is hidden in the walls of his Cave. The Hammer of Sat-Ze. This item grants the user the ability to make a sword, hammer, armor, or bow from any object. Unique abilities: The Controller of the Underworld: He can Summon portals to shove demons or bad souls into. The Spirit of the Sun: Able to blast a ball of energy in the shape of the sun. Personal History: When he was first made he went exploring around the world until he found the cave. Ever since then he has been gathering resources to create to make a God Locator. So he can find other gods. Personality: Nice but Serious. Good at making friends. Not Shy. Likes to talk.