Augustus, who had spent their journey consistently bewildered as the elder man shoved his way through half of the kingdom's nobility, had to take a few moments to react. The few moments stretched into a good minute or two, while he thought of and discarded a variety of different reactions. From here on out he knew that he would have to become ever more careful with how he responded. Add to that the fact that he hadn't been able to get a word in so far. Augustus looked around first, then at the ornate craftwork on the desk, and then finally down before speaking. "I would never dream of rejecting the offer. It is everything that my family and my people most need right now," he agreed, facing the obviousness of his situation head on. "But if you don't mind me asking, why?" He paused, calculating the risk of this line of thought. After all, why question a good thing? But his need to know prevailed. It was as much a part of him as his name, and if he was walking into a trap he would not abandon his caution. "I mean...we are not the most favored corner of the Kingdom at the moment, so this is a very surprising opportunity..." He trailed off, before remembering himself and adding, "respectfully, of course."