[quote=Isotope] Couple things, first an element was discovered that permits FTL travel? (I can't see any other reason for a new element and that is the only way to get to other stars) Ok, sounds good enough if you can clear up some issues.It took 7 years for an FTL capable ship to get to Mars?Mars is roughly 8-9 light away. Even IRL it does not take that long to get to Mars, excluding FTL technology, ion or nuclear thrusts (ala VASIMR or NERVA) would easily reach mars in five months, and NERVA existed in the 1970-80's while VASIMR exists today.Heck, even using conventional methods if it takes a year to get to Mars something has gone wrong. Using no constant thrust average travel time is around 250 days.Beyond your overestimated travel times to Mars I like the idea. [/quote] Changed to accommodate