Alright, this is what I've got so far: [center][u][b]Survive the Night – A Horror RP[/b][/u][/center] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][i]St. Helen’s Hospital for the Criminally Insane (Picture taken from Deviant Art, made by [url=]“Kvasilchuk”[/url])[/i][/center] ---------------------------------------------------------- [center][b]Current Scare Level[/b][/center] Phase One - [i]Creepy[/i] [list]- Fluctuating temperatures in certain areas. - Feelings of being watched. - An odd sense of dread, without being sure why - Random noises, with no visible cause. Maybe it's just 'the pipes?'[/list] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [center][b][i]Introduction[/i][/b][/center] Idaho, Route 51, March 16th 1955, St. Helen’s Hosptial for the Criminally Insane officially opens and receives its first patients. Prized as the pinnacle of the field of neuroscience, its establishment promises the swift and effective treatment of psychologically unstable criminals. Backed by Christian groups, who feel at odds with the USA’s widespread use of capital punishment, the Dean of Medicine, Doctor Laurence Clarke, begins what he calls "the end of senseless aggression in the minds of troubled men." June 12th 1960, St. Helen’s Hosptial is hailed a raging success, as dozens of inmates leave its doors to return to a life of normality; having been treated for illnesses of the mind not thought curable. Doctor Laurence Clarke is lauded as the grandfather of a new age of medical science, and the hospital receives a large government investment to expand its wards and research. September 9th 1965, A patient riot erupts within the hospital. Doctors and nurses are forcibly strapped down to gurneys and mutilated by their own surgical utensils. Visiting family members, including women and children, are herded into a large incinerator down in the hospital’s basement, and are burned to a cinder whilst still alive. The police arrive enforce, and brutally put down the riot with lethal force. None of the rioting patients survive the engagement, but some are rumoured to have fled the scene. Clarke survives the encounter, but the resulting police investigation reveals large discrepancies between the kind of research he was fronting, and the kind that was actually being carried out. Human experiments, including untested surgical procedures, illegalised narcotics and practices that spanned the use of electrodes on a patient’s brain to various kinds of psychological and physical torture, were found to have taken place at the hospital over a number of years. Patient records of the deceased were missing from the archives, and amidst the ash piles dumped outside the hospital from the incinerator, the police find human remains. It seemed the Good Doctor had been disposing of those that “failed” to survive his unsanctioned experiments. Funding was immediately cut, and the hospital was closed by a direct order from the Federal Government. Clarke kills himself in his office by jarring a large threading needle into his eye – a bizarre end to a bizarre man. August 20th 2014, A beaten up black Ford Mondeo stops outside the long-since abandoned hospital. Its doors open, and out spill a small group of giddy kids high on the ups of youth. Bottles of beer and wine in hand, and perhaps a little stash of something special hidden in someone’s hoody pocket, they make their way to the decrepit perimeter fencing. It’s a Saturday night, and there’s nothing for anyone under the age of 21 to do ‘sept find a place to hang and party under the cops’ noses. The hospital is a well-known local folklore legend, and a relatively popular place, apparently, for youths to gather when their parents’ basement is out of bounds to their revelry. The fence is full of holes, and of signs that these kids ain’t the first to have had the idea of spending a night at the place. This is a comforting notion to some of the group’s more reserved and reluctant members, and so, together they begin to make their way into the hospital grounds. The sun is setting in the east, and the night will soon be here, but who cares? When you’re young, you don’t concern yourself with such trivia. [b]Character Sheet[/b] WIP [b]Places of Interest/Scenery Description Aids[/b] [hider=Lobby][img=][/hider] [hider=The Dental Wing][img=][/hider] [hider=Wards][img=][/hider] [hider=The Recupteration Ward][img=][/hider] [hider=The Basement][img=][/hider] [hider=The Grounds][img=][/hider]