Well, I mean, Morgan and Ixion are in Zerul right now... And seeing we don't know what DJ has in store, Thaler could break from one group and end with another. *shrug* I've only seen a little bit of the RP before the guildcrash, so I only have a small amount of how deep connections are between a characters, but if Shien's character insists in pursuing, it could lead to different connections. We don't know what's ahead but I have faith. I would suggest hanging in there. No doubt, there will be a crossroad. As a GM of my own RP, I notice players always seem to get frustrated or get the feeling of being "stuck" right before something big of interesting happens :3 (and apologies did typos - doing this post from my phone) EDIT: @hymusia: Glad you feel some pride - it's well deserved for such a detailed CS. It painted the Black Sun perfectly. EDIT2: @Shien: would Ameoten really give up that easily if Thaler announced her hate for him? Would he give up on DJ's character's quest to become redeemed as well? (Unless I'm completely misreading this xD)