[center] [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Coat_of_Arms_Second_French_Empire_(1852%E2%80%931870)-2.svg] Empire Français (French Empire) [i]Liberté, egalité, fraternité[/i][/center] It seems our old friends the Belgians are in rather a mess at the moment. They have been kicked out of their homes and forced to run into neighbours provinces. I feel peace talks are pointless at this time. When one party has already been dominated there is no place for peace. Only the complete destruction of the defending side. This has already happened, Belgium has been claimed by an enemy far greater than it, and Belgium is no more. I am saddened that no peace talks had been discussed on the subject, that military action was the only step taken. To the Belgians now occupying France, I assure you that you may stay here as long as you need to. This also go's to the Belgian king Leopold, who I advise to stay deep in French borders. So I finish. Bravo Prussia and the Netherlands. You have proven you can destroy and steal quite expertly. But, as other countries seem far more aggressive than I, I must warn you. Have fun with your new lands. Whilst you still can. - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.