@Rhaevnn Xeno: It is more of an accumulation of things. It wasn't easy before, and the whole "Rilon-thing" finally completely tore him to pieces as far as the mind is concerned, just when things had [i]finally [/i]started to improve (I wasn't joking when I said the Aemoten-posts through all that Rilon-thing felt physically nasty to write ... it is some specific kind of psychological suffering that simply doesn't sit well with the part of my brain that observes the scene I am envisioning and decides that I am actually seeing a suffering person). The woman whom he deeply and honestly loves being destroyed or simply stating that she hates him and this is it would indeed be too much at this point... The part of him that is the human man doesn't really function on an entirely rational level anymore. (And no, he didn't actually mistreat her in any way or form. I don't know where *that* interpretation is from... ) Of course, my IC influence is limited to what my characters know and do, so if Thaler was really determined then there'd be no way for me to indefinitely keep her from offing herself or similar. I have swapped characters before, and also simply killed plenty of them off myself, both in roleplay and writing. I'll survive outing Aemoten from the Prophecy, too. - He is on the quest to end the Withering because it already took all that he had ... losing the one thing he dared hold the most dear again so soon after? What would one do in a situation like that? Continue on a quest that in a sense was a form of escapism to begin with and that he didn't ever expect to actually succeed in? [b][i]What for?[/i][/b] And if he couldn't even help the person he loved, then a bunch of followers? [i]Really?[/i] Uh... And our group is kind of destined to join up with Morgan and Ixion and I'on. It just has been delayed a bit, so Jack gave you guys something to do meanwhile... But who knows? Maybe Aemoten's group can be dragged into the mystery revolving around Blue and whoever killed her, and perhaps we'd even need a sneaky thief when we are at it. (But let's move on from this topic and see what the RP brings, no? We're seriously scaring the newcomers here. :-P )