[b][u]Section A[/u][/b] The teacher had ignored Sonya's bad behaviour. He ignored the rude comment, the lollipop, and the random paper airplane. But as soon as he read her form, a deep sigh left his lips. He placed his hand on his face, before taking his glasses out and pinching the bridge of his nose. Mr. Tadashi stood up and placed his glasses back on before speaking, "Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately." He instructed. Mr. Tadashi grabbed a paper from his briefcase before going over the list, "Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo." He announced. The tone of his voice changed when he said the first name, and he didn't bother hiding it. Clearing his throat, he proceeded, "Hisakawa Masaru and Evangeline Guiliani." He glanced around the room before looking back at the paper to see the next pair, "Jake Andronikashvili and Patrick Harren.. Ichishori Arasake and Kirra Argant.. Evan Lance and Conner Reinsberg.." He continued to announce the rest of the seatmates. After everything was over, he put the paper back inside the briefcase and looked at the class. "Please sit with your seatmates. After that, you have your free time until the bell rings for break." He said. "One more thing, due to some.. bad behaviour from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends." His gaze momentarily landed on Sonya as he spoke. There was a slight visible smirk on his face as he took a seat and continued to do his paperwork. [b][u]Section B[/u][/b] "Has everybody passed their forms?" The teacher asked. Once the students murmured a [i]yes[/i], she stood up and looked at the class. "Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." She instructed. Ms. Yoshioka grabbed the list of seatmates from her desk and read it aloud, "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi." After reading everyone's name, she placed the paper back on the table. "I hope you all get along with your seatmates. For now, you have free time until break, so feel free to get to know your classmates more." She told them with a small smile.