[img=http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/scandinaviancommonwealth_zps46f38374.png] [center][b]Scandinavian Commonwealth[/b][/center] Salutations to Leopold, the rightful King of Belgium, The Kingdom of Denmark gives their fullest condolences to you and all your people who have either been driven into exile or are now under the yoke of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. While we have not suffered as much as you and your people, the Danes have also endured the wrath of the Prussian Warmongers. The people of Denmark shall pray for a swift return for you to the seat of Belgium. God Bless, Frederick VII, King of Denmark and Duke of Schleswig --- [b]The Scandinavian Commonwealth to intervene in Belgian crisis? Punish those barbaric Germans?[/b] --[i]Aftonbladet headline[/i] --- The United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway wishes to stamp out these rumors of Scandinavian intervention in the conflicts of the European Continent. At this time, no plans of intervene are being made. We are not at liberty to give out any more information. --A notice in [i]Post- och Inrikes Tidningar[/i]