Appearance: [url=] The Pic![/url] Name: James Dean Swanson Age: 23 Noteworthy Skills: Mechanic, military training, Excellent driver, Breaking and Entering, Weapons: Beretta-M9, Ka-bar knife, 3-ft steel pipe, lock picks. Personality: He is an outgoing person, easily sociable with the people around him, not afraid to learn about the world that surrounds him. He is a determined man with goals, even with the world the way it is. He is picky who is loyal to, and even that has a set limit, if anything, his only true loyalty is toward himself and his aim's. He has a certain code in life which only he himself truly knows. Witty and life enjoying, he takes his life in strides, not beating his self up over the past and is eagerly looking for the future. Always the looking at the possibilities, he never give's up on hope or a way out of any situation. History: James grew up on the streets of Detroit, with no living relatives besides his alcoholic uncle, who was his mothers older brother. He had lost his parents earlier in his life from a traffic accident and had moved to his uncles at the age of five. He was subject to many beating's for years till he was old enough to stay out on the streets,and he would stay out on the streets for months. On the streets, he saw the hard way the rule of survival of biggest predator. Wanting to get out of the hellhole he was trapped in and to work for his , he worked on the two feasible ways to get out, drug's and school. He work the books hard when he had every chance he could, while spending the rest of his time working the streets, pushing product and anything he could lay his hands on, only using his uncles place for the address and a place to hide. Doing crime for years he was introduce to the art of car boosting, and found himself enjoying much success with it, for he had a knack for vehicles and getting them to run. Turning away from selling drugs, he started boosting cars and chopping them down at connections he had made. Graduating high-school at 18, he jumped at the chance to join the army for a few years, letting him get a few more steps toward his goal's. Spending a few years within the army, he worked till his appointed five years were up, and decided to settle down in Pennsylvania as a Mechanic. When the outbreak happen, he knew what was gonna happen, for in any crises peopled were preyed upon, and he was determined to avoid that. Packing up his belonging's, he settled out to the Midwest, relaying on making it to the mountains and a better chance to holding off against zombies and man alike in the vast ranges. Savaging and deconstructing cars he found, he was able to keep moving at a steady pace west, avoiding used roads and trying his best on the back roads. He chanced upon the airport, and upon discovering it was populated, was going to hide and wait a few days to see what type of people they were when a chance occurrence forced his hand. A small zombie horde which had snuck up on him when he had been waiting. With his arms up to show no hostility, was allowed through the gates. Its been several months since then, for he is waiting, for he knows that the way the world was coming, he would soon have to be moving again.