So Marvel has started to give a lot of info on their new projects, and have started to make major changes to characters (for example Thor now being a female), and tonight they are going to reveal another big change to a major Marvel Character... and me being a HUGE Captain American fan, a few people and I started to talk about what could they do to Cap (I'm not saying that they will change Cap, just a "what if" scenario haha) From what I know, there isn't anything like this in the comics, so here's my idea! I was thinking of a team of "Super Soldiers" lead by the Original one, Cap himself! Each member of this team will be from different backgrounds and ethnicities, but all American and true, honest, and amazing people! They'll be injected with a serum not as powerful as Steve Rogers, but the best S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists can do You'll have peak strength, agility, speed, reflexes, sight, a photographic memory, pretty much all of their mental and physical skill are almost at peak level. They'll train to learn how to learn these skills and become covert agents to help fight against whatever the world throws at them! Since Adamantium is very rare, the team won't have a weapon made of that certain material, but you will all have the option to have a signature weapon! hahaha There will be comedy, action, adventure, explosions, romance, and awesome fight sequences! is anyone interested SO FAR?