Hello! and welcome to my humble abode of rp goodness. Please please take a seat unless your already sitting. I'm your benevolent MC, A.D , and I invite you to partake in my morbid goodness, or innocent happiness. Whatever floats your boat. Soooo First off I should start off with random pairings that can go either action or romance or even Gore. Oh, the ones with stars by them means I got a plot down and ready to be judged by you lovely automatons Cliche pairings! Demon x Human** Angel x Demon Angel x Human Human x mythical beast Master x Servant * Fantasy race x Fantasy race. _________________________ Vicious delicious *Licks lips* Ghost x victim Kidnapper x victim** Assassin x Target** Hunter x hunted** King x lowborn Sadistic madman x human. ________________________ Random pairings Bounty hunter x civilian Military x civilian Military x military Two kingdoms Inventive Contraptions (Actual plots ^_^) I GOT NONE ATM! YAYYYY But yeah. That is all.... Message me, or post here, either way I'll find you and talk to you. Thank you and I hope to rp with a wholllleee lot of ya! Rules are basic RP site rules: No metagaming...and whatever else there is ^_^ If you got any questions don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite... Much.