I've been staring at my ceiling for a week, I'm right behind you MC. Also, any country in the firing line gets particularly heavy criticism. It just happens, the media hops over anything like that and eats it up like crazy - usually going with the most biased route possible to garner views. At least in America, that's how news works. I don't know enough about news in other places to say anything else. I know it's hard to see your country like that, but the love you have for that place isn't misplaced at all. It's still your home, it still has the places and things you love about it. No matter what anyone does, or what anyone will say about the place you live, you'll always have your memories of that place with you and no one can break that positivity. I hope it ends quickly for all involved. Don't do it. Shifting back into wanting to do anything, it's a roller-coaster at the moment. Sorry for holding everything back.