When Evan's aunts had told him they were enrolling him and his brother in a private academy, he had expected the student body would consist primarily of spoiled brats. From what he's seen so far, the kids there were more quirky than anything. He had given Evangeline the benefit of the doubt earlier, thinking the wink she given him as he turned to fill out his form was just something he had imagined. But with the way she was grinning at him now, he was sure she was one of the quirky ones. It was almost unsettling, but not in a necessarily bad way. He was just relieved the students were interesting people and not snotty like he had expected. With that in mind, Evan brushed off Evangeline's strange behavior and managed to meet her gaze as he replied. [b]"It's nice to meet you."[/b] Before the conversation could go any farther, the teacher was talking again. He seemed to have lost his cool a bit, but with the shit Sonya was pulling it was understandable. Evan was half-listening to what Mr. Tadashi was saying, the other part of his thoughts elsewhere. He idly wondered what it was like in the Section B classroom, but Tyler would surely tell him later. Or maybe Alyssa could. She was in Section B, right? [i]"Evan Lance and Conner Reinsberg."[/i] Evan snapped to attention as his name was called out, followed by another he didn't recognize. He looked around the room as the other pairs were announced, trying to guess who this Conner was. Hopefully they were someone he could easily get along with. [i]"One more thing, due to some.. bad behavior from someone in class, you will have homework."[/i] Evan couldn't help but groan along with the rest of the class. Homework on the first day of school? He discretely glared over at Sonya. She was probably happy with the punishment. Nerd. He sighed and stood up as everyone found their seatmates, still unsure of who his was. The students began to pair off, so Evan decided to try his luck instead of awkwardly standing by his desk. He approached a rather tall boy with unusually colored hair and gave him a friendly smile. [b]"Would you happen to be Conner Reinsberg?[/b] ------ Tyler glanced up once the teacher began talking. Instead of watching her as she talked, he took the opportunity to look at his classmates while he listened, since there was less of a chance of making eye contact with someone while they were all focused on the teacher. No one really stuck out to him except a girl with soft pink hair. He also noticed a few of the students sending pitying glances at a girl with dark hair and became a bit curious. It wasn't his place to pry, but he decided to keep an eye on her just in case. He faced the teacher as she called his name, accompanied by one he hadn't heard before. He bit down on the remainder of his lollipop as everyone around him found their seatmates. [i]Why couldn't it have at least been a name I recognized?[/i] he thought with a small sigh. No one had claimed the seat next to him earlier, so maybe his seatmate would notice he was sitting alone and put it together that he was her partner. He looked around the room nervously, hoping that would be the case.