[centre][b]"Don't play with me, Lotus... I'm not a force you want to reckon with..."[/b] threatened Master Shinto. [i]"And neither am, I, tenno... You might not be loyal but there are some in your clan that are."[/i] Shinto heard the sound of a door opening, he looked over his shoulder, seeing two tenno standing there, armed and ready for a fight. One was wearing a Rhino frame and the other an Ash. Master Shinto, wearing a Loki Prime, glared back at the holo-screen. He saw as the Lotus grinned. Shinto growled, [b]"Your fingers sink into my initiates, Lotus... But not the entirety of my clan."[/b] He heard as the Ash drew his skana. [i]"Master Shinto, the Lotus has contracted your death."[/i] Shinto turned around and looked at the two tenno. [b]"So be it."[/b] A glaive prime slid down from his wrist and into his hand, the blades extending to full length. His warframe began to glow brightly as he channeled the power of the relic suit. The Ash charged, only to find himself in the place of Master Shinto. He turned and saw the glaive a split second before it sliced into his throat. The Rhino didn't even notice what had happened until it was too late, his brother tenno lay beheaded on the floor. He looked over to Shinto, staring at him as the glaive returned to his grasp. The Rhino raised his shotgun, there was flash and the weapon exploded in his hands. But it didn't stagger the large warframe. He drew his galatine and charged with blinding speed at Shinto, passing straight through his master. Energy sparked out of Shinto, and there seemed to be no impact. The decoy faded, and the Rhino gripped his giant sword tight as he looked around the room for Shinto. He saw a wave in the corner, then the lines of energy course through the air. Shinto was there. The lines channeled from the floor, through the legs and body until the eyes flared a bright gold. The Rhino charged at him again, meeting the glaive prime with his galatine. When he swung, the blade was missing, it was on the floor eight paces behind him. The glaive returned to Shinto, through the Rhino's torso. Blood and sparks covered Shinto as he watched the Rhino fall to the ground. Shinto looked back at the Lotus, she was still grinning. [b]"Send somebody better if you wish to assassinate me."[/b] [i]"Very well... Stalker."[/i] she called. The room went dark, whispers were everywhere. The door closed and locked. And Shinto lay dead on the floor. ---------- In this RP, we play as tenno loyal to the late Master Shinto. We were his prized pupils, exemplars among the tenno in Clan Prowler. After properly performing the rites od death of Shinto's body, we searched his quarters and the two traitor tenno for clues of his murder. In a secret room, we found evidence that the Lotus was manipulating the entirety of the tenno order for her own devious gains. Rallying what Prowlers we could, and killing those loyal to the Lotus, we took control of the clan and began our crusade to find the Lotus and kill her to avenge our great master. I will allow males and females to have access to all warframes, so it will be quite acceptable to have a female operating a Rhino warframe or a male operating a Saryn. You may use any warframe except for primes and may take a sentinel if you wish. While wholly hating the Grineer and Corpus, you can also have your preference should you be forced to take a side, or you may not have a preference. We are still tenno, so remember that we're all brother's and sisters fighting toward a common goal. And though we may fight and kill other tenno that are loyal to the Lotus, we take great pain in doing so. ---------- Character Sheet Name: Gender: Warframe: Appearance: A picture of your actual warframe is fine. But since both genders can take any warframe, a description might be better. We've all played, so we know what the warframes all look like. Primary Weapon (If any): Secondary Weapon (If any): Melee Weapon (If any): Sentinel (If any): Personality: Faction Preference (If any): Note that there is no history section. All tenno are capable of great stories and legends. All acknowledge your endeavors. ---------- Rules All standard RPG rules apply. This is an RP for wanting to be the ultimate badass. But still, try to keep your badassery within the limits of your warframe. Even a Rhino can be killed if he isn't careful.[/centre]