Quietly sleeping on his chair, he was snapped awake when the new teacher said, in a rather ticked off tone of voice; [b]"Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately."[/b] Well who would blame him, Sonya did pull alot of shit to grant his anger, Then beginning to call the seatmates names he wasn't paying too much attention until his name was called out.[b]"Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo."[/b], "So I am sitting with Queen trouble herself huh?" he thought to himself, quickly standing up and sluggishly walking the the seat next to Sonya, he waved at her and sat back down trying to sleep yet again. While everyone around the room was shuffling to their designated seatmates, he was about to snap back into the dreamworld when; [b]"One more thing, due to some.. bad behavior from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends."[/b] said the teacher with a small smirk on his face. Much to the tangent on the class. Groaning with the rest of the class and sighing at this, "Damnit, I didn't feel like doing anything later." he said under his breath. He noticed menacing glares from all over the room, not directed towards Jeremy but towards Sonya. "She's enjoying this isn't she?" "Well we have free time, what do we do now?" he asked no one in particular and at the same time finishing his lollipop, popping it out of his mouth and throwing it, he gets another lollipop and unwraps it and puts it into his mouth. [i]"Yum Grape"[/i]