She didn't believe him when he said he wasn't Zugos, but she didn't let it show. "I'm sorry. My castle was cursed while I wasn't in it. Now no one can go in or out," she said, barely staying calm. "I need Zugos' help to bring it down and save them." She decied to go along with him saying he wasn't Zugos. Better not argue with the person she was trying to get help from. She realized she might not look like a princess. Her hair was messy, her dress- although expensive- was dirty and torn. And although she held herself with regality as she was trained to do, she probably looked exhausted. And she was. She came here without stopping at any inns. A normal trip that involved stopping to eat and sleep would've taken at least one and a half weeks. But she got here in six days because she just rode her horse here. They barely stopped and her horse was more exhausted then she. She hadn't slept in five days. One day she just passed out and slept for the day. But she hadn't eaten in all six days. She was ready to pass out, but she couldn't. Unfortunately she had already thought of how long the trip back would take. It should take at least one and a half weeks. She highly doubted the sorceror would allow them to make their trip back without stopping. No person in their right mind would do that. But she needed to save them. Her mom and dad. All the staff. And the prince. He was only there to meet her because they were getting married. And she never gave him a chance. She should be stuck in the castle too. She didn't even want to think about what that witch was doing to them, how she could be torturing them. And if they didn't get there soon... Would she kill them?