[center][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/4/a/warframe___harbinger_for_the_merciless_by_squiddytreat-d77badq.jpg][/center] [center][i]They didn't break my spirit... but they broke everything else.[/i][/center] Name: Tetsu Gender: Male Appearance: Tetsu is big, even for a rhino. However it is rare to see him outside of his armor due to the horrific scars that cover his body, they have become marks of shame. Warframe: Rhino Primary Weapon: Tigris Secondary Weapon: N/A Melee Weapon: Scindo Sentinel: N/A Personality: Tetsu was always a quite man, even more so after "the incident". Now days Tetsu just kind of wanders the dojo when off mission, lost in his own little world. If one were to sit down and talk with him, you will find that he is fun to hang around but he just prefers quite. Because of the experiments placed upon him by the Corpus, Tetsu has almost Valkyr levels of anger when he sees them. Faction Preference: Will NOT work with the Corpus for what they have done to him. Other: Some time ago in the past he was captured by the Corpus and put into extreme experiments. However when the time came for his "liquidation" they kept him alive because he never screamed, they wanted to test how much longer he could keep it up. However they soon regretted that decision when he escaped. No one knows what happened, but it was messy. Tetsu doesn't talk about it. Nightmares are a near constant when he sleeps. Night terrors are rarer but far more traumatic. Tetsu is renowned for being one of the few Kubrow breeders and caretakers. Even back in the day he was known to have a special bond with the creatures and it saddens him to see them in the state they are now. When on Earth he tries to tame them, to bring them back to their former splendor. However he has been met with little success. While some dens will not attack him on sight, they are far from domesticated and it is ill advised to to get too close.