"Roger, that." Golovkin said as Amber split paths toward the back entrance of the hotel. He sprinted toward the two privates from 2nd Squad and joined them in the firefight. After spending most of his time on Solace trying not to get killed by its own infrastructure, it was an odd relief for Robert to finally be in a fight. "We need to hose these bastards quick." Golovkin said in-between squeezing M739 rounds into the enemy patrol. He pegged two grunts, one through the chest, and another on the gas canister strapped on its back. It was in this moment where Golovkin overheard Corporal Davis' comm message. [b]"Get out of there the building is about to fall on top of you guys. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. Davis out."[/b] Golovkin felt a lump in his throat as several grenade explosions went off inside the hotel, staggering the covenant patrol unit in the process. "Shit, Davis what the hell are you doing!?" He pressed his chin down on the comm button of his helmet. "Gunny, I hope you and Davis are hauling ass." Robert looked up as he felt the all too familiar sound of a building ready to topple over. "Cause that hotel ain't waiting for new years to drop!" He glanced over to Wiley and Tuck before refocusing on the covenant patrol now in disarray with the sudden turn of events. "Gentlemen, lets maintain this position and pick these fucks off!" Golovkin dashed over to the backside of a parked vehicle for cover, and together, with Wiley and Tuck, fired directly into the covenant patrol.