I've been looking for something like this for awhile. And it's risus, too! I've been meaning to try that. I could use some feedback on the cliches, as I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be more of a reflection of the character's personality or their setting-applicable skills. Name: Ilya Appearance: [img=http://i.imgur.com/RXJtmRy.jpg] Cliches: MGS-ripoff cyborg ninja(3), accomplished underwater basketweaver(3), foodie(1), tabla player(1), political theorist(2) How You Got Here: Before he was conscripted into UN military service, Ilya was part of an artists' collective in a co-op high-rise-turned-arcology in Vladivostok where he made a modest living selling artisanal wicker baskets and vegan mueslix. Needless to say, receiving a draft letter was a bit of a surprise for him. His service was mostly uneventful, save for the shocking experience of basic training. His most exciting engagement, stationed in Burkina Faso, involved a harmless pack of primary school kids and a stray bottle rocket. When his tour of duty finally came to an anticlimactic end, Ilya found himself wishing for some way to justify the time wasted learning procedures and techniques he'd never used. His desires led him to seek out work with Steelhead, where he found he could exercise his talents, make alright money, and still have time left on the weekends to sell baskets at the local flea market.