Yakoul's unwarranted presence in the dungeon offset Namine a smidgeon. She cocked an eyebrow at him as his words accosted the very backbone of what she stood for. The lack of compassion in his voice.. and the way he spoke of the concepts of war and of the lives of human beings in such a careless, casual nature. The creature boasting its selfish lifestyle to a woman of great empathy with such an apathetic tone, this creature was clearly lower than the worms in the dirt around which the blooming ideologies of the Akizakura supplanted Yakoul's foul delusion of turning children into drones devoid of sentience. The manner in which he spoke of the rebels as less than human, as nothing more than beast, she looked down upon him for such ignorance. This condescension was quickly erased with pity, knowing full well that a simple-minded creature of Yakoul's caliber was not capable of understanding these things. At this point Namine silently welcomed the Empress's presence knowing full well that her questions would be given proper answers. It was never her intention to insult the woman's grace or character but given the circumstances Namine could not help but be swayed a certain way by her emotions. The arrival of their model leader dispersed the tension which fogged the room, and her simple presence created an orderly atmosphere just as she released her black aura upon them. Namine's eyes widened as her mind caved inward and was absorbed into the experiences presenting themselves to her from the dawn of man. They cycle of suffering battered her mind though she was all too familiar with its embrace, Namine's eyes met the Empress's. "[i]A noble cause, yes?[/i]" The visions ceased as her aura receded back into her body. These visions reminded Namine vividly of the oppression the Akizakura clan felt and rekindled emotions brought about by the death of her mother. Gently, her hand covered her mouth as her fiery eyes looked over the Empress. The effect the visions had on her cut deep, her views on the Empress differed slightly under these circumstances.. She wanted to cry out her emotions, to unleash her deepest concerns of the matter. A daunting presence dragged her focus elsewhere... a beast of raw power and anger amassed itself beyond the walls of the castle. Ryuza's words matched Namine's senses, her attention being pulled away from the scenario at hand out into the world. Her eyes looked distantly beyond the walls of the castle as an uneasy feeling caused her legs to tremble. She fiercely grounded herself as the weight of the next moment nearly brought her to her knees. Shukaku was tearing its way through the forest toward the castle. Namine had a feeling this was not the cause of her unease. The feelings resonating from Shoko did not reflect this, as her calmness seemed to show her confidence in her control of this situation. It was a vibration coming from the entire world... it seemed a vast unrest was coming, and it was coming now. The death of hundreds resounded all the way to the Empress's castle as it overtook Namine, she could feel it en masse from Konoha and Kirigakure. The death was much more swift in Kirigakure like a knife quickly being jabbed into Namine's spine. It was Konoha in which the conflict was being dragged out, twisting the knife that already afflicted her. She gripped her stomach as nausea set in, the feeling of widespread suffering almost bringing her to the point of vomiting. Namine was left alone with Ra where she could finally hear her colleague out, although the tumultuous storm of emotions continuing to pelt her mind until an emotional bolt of lightning struck her spine. She stood tall as a massive oppressive force followed the civil unrest among the two villages. The oppression came from none other than the Empress herself as she tamed the will of the sleepless beast and sealed it into... Ryuza? Shock overcame Namine, the feeling of Shukaku being driven into the girl amounted to an incredible amount of suffering. The pain in which a human being felt undergoing the process of becoming a Jinchuuriki... she had never felt such a thing before. The feelings of suffering conjured by the Empress's aura swept back into her mind as visions of the future berated her. Namine looked to Ra with deeply saddened eyes in the way one would look to a friend in need, but before Namine could reply to Ra she was hitting the floor with a thud when Shukaku was sealed into the poor, unknowing Ryuza.