...It goes a long way from "nothing good will ever come for the wielder of this thing, and it is impossible to hide it" to somehow implying Thaler herself is evil. He did - briefly, as in for about a paragraph - talk of the hidden consequences of taking without permission the previous night, but this was never meant to be more than just a passing thing, what with her becoming an apprentice of the Will and all, and there being so many ways for her to use her skills to help people instead - which he also spoke of -, and her and Jaelnec speaking further of his and her path to knights and perhaps eventually reinstating the Order of the Will. (A matter which somewhat interjected Aemoten, since he had actually intended to tell her about his feelings then. He did, though, in full conviction, manage to tell her that he would never, under no circumstances, give her up to the authorities or abandon her to some cruel fate, though.) Olan even managed to make them *all* laugh - even Aemoten, who had been rather grim for a while. And both Jaelnec and Aemoten had figured there might be something they could teach Thaler. Honestly, if he was being cruel *then*, then no even slightly sterner talking should ever take place. He was mostly just asking her whether she could [i]try [/i]not to do it again unless absolutely necessary, not much more than that. It was not a focus of the evening. She was described to be content before and actually *happy* later on, after said paragraph of talk. And they had a night ahead of them that would be spent sleeping in a proper bed rather than the softest available spot on the rain-soaked ground. And they figured they would be reaching Zerul without a hitch now. Aemoten had no way in the Planes to be able to expect finding something like what he did the next morning. He is no oracle. If it weren't for all the demon lords deciding that nope, they cannot rest a night in peace and be happy for once, they'd be in an entirely different place now. Things *had* been getting better for them. And I have quite clear recollections of her having obvious feelings for him, too, at least until all that Rilon fiasco and bloody mess... That *has* been a rather depressing section of the RP. As for him? Yeah, no doubt about what he feels.