The red-head busily thought and thought of her first steps of socializing with her new soon-to-be friends, repeatedly glancing at her classmate who was blind, noting her first on the list,until someone's quiet whisper rang in her ears; [i]"You do know that even though she is blind she can still tell when someone is staring at her"[/i] Maiko's heart jolted to see a boy who's expression seemed stern. A soft whisper of an [i]"Oh!"[/i] escaped from her's lips as she turned away, hoping that the girl didn't take acknowledgement of her worrying contacts. By then,she turned back to the boy who warned her and mouthed out a [i]Thanks[/i] with a small bow of her head. [i]"Has everybody passed their forms?[/i] The teacher asked the class. [i]"I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned."[/i] And so,pulling out a form,she started; [i] "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi."[/i] Maiko then started to look around the classroom for her seatmate whom she apparently never knew, "Tyler". She had to move since another pair has to sit on her empty paired places. [i]Awh..why away from the window?"[/i] She glumly thought to herself with a sigh. A few minutes already passed and everyone was still settling down, including Maiko who was frantically searching for Tyler in front of the classroom. Once there were only less people moving around, she laid eyes on a boy siting alone with a lollipop still stuck in his mouth. His auburn hair covering half of his eyes as he nervously turned his head from left to right. Seems like he's also looking for his seatmates. [i]"Could that be him,perhaps?"[/i] The red-head hesitated for a few seconds, thinking to let Tyler find her instead, but then again, both of them were unknown to each other. So. It's was now or never. Clutching tightly onto her backpack, Maiko paced towards the boy and gently patted his shoulder. [i]"Hello,there. You must be Tyler, am I right?"[/i] She asked with a small nervous smile.