[quote=Brovo] As Flamelord said, though, a lot of those things are not very... Pleasant. We evolved the ability to feel pain for a reason. Imagine you cut open your foot and you're bleeding everywhere, but you literally can't feel that.Kind of seriously bad, really. It's usually associated with some form of nerve damage, too. But uh, no. Psychopaths in general deal with delusions, auditory and visual, fake or skewered memories, problems feeling or even comprehending empathy and sympathy, intense paranoia... There's a whole slew of symptoms associated with it, and not all psychopaths have all symptoms, as well, symptoms can vary in degrees of severity, then you have those who have triggers that cause those delusions and such versus those who have no control...Also, another fun fact: No, voices in one's head do not become compulsory. Au contraire, quite often the mental anguish most go through who have voices in their head is they cannot or do not listen to them, or because the voices are unintelligible. As well, there are both pleasant and unpleasant delusions, and delusions which repeat that can have either nature at the flick of a switch.And so on, and so on, and so on...But hey, everybody's gotta be like Hollywood and depict psychopaths and others like them as being nonstop bloodthirsty monsters who want nothing more than to murder and rape, when in reality, the majority of them don't have the ability to understand other human beings, and can't comprehend reality, and usually have a lot more anguish and suffering than murderous thoughts. And that's just sort of sad. Not that it stops role players from capitalizing on that anguish to make incredible shitty plot contrivances for why they just murdered little Timmy without any regret.See why this might enrage me a little in a special kind of way? [/quote] I never depicted them in that way... I see others depict them that way...