Shida looked up at the sky, the world was very dim for this early, grey and black, with purple and green strokes of air damage caused by pollution. He knew that much about the world. The o-zone layer looked like it was being ripped apart slowly. The colors seemed to fall together traveling through the stars. A long time a go, he remembered reading a very old record on his friends information machine, and I.M he called it. A twenty year old valuable record of a lost debate about science. People in the past believed that eventually that the world would begin to spin faster. For some unknown reason. Just as well Shida remembered hearing that from Dimitriex Transylvania. A city dweller, and a collector of information on occasion and its own kind of trade, a complete delinquent just like Shida; but none the less very interesting. They used him often to find the best places to stick up around towns back in Atlanta. Apparently, there used to be a lot that went on there back then also, as it is today. He explained to him and one of his hired guns that the earth, could potentially in a time frame of fifty years, due to many different man made causes altogether, life as we know it would end. The one thing he said that was most likely, is that one day the earth would befall a great doom, the air would explode around the entire planet. Burning everything, and all life would cease to exist, because the earth would slightly move too close to the sun due to the slow decay of it's volatile outer layers. Dimitriex handed him a small black and silver that was square, that he grabbed off of a huge mess of a shelf in his apartment. It was flat, slightly bendy and light. [i]"This is what was going on in the year 1992. A group of politicians and activists back were working together towards solving a huge planetary debate. Called "Global warming." It's said to be related to what happened in 1998, with the riots, and protests." [/i] [i]"The only protests you see now a'days don't last very long, and the people involed are often executed."[/i] Shida responded. [i]"It was much more common and less dangerous for some reason back then. And there was a lot less pissed off poor people. Today, there's just a lot less people.."[/i] his friend said to him. This was the first time he'd really considered someone worthy of becoming his friend. It felt like he was around a person who didn't really find anything that was wrong or bad, they weren't mind numbingly boring, or extremely impatient either. In fact he was much more focused and articulate than most people he'd ever met. They put the small device into a very old looking machine, he had very rarely seen something with a mirror type screen with a bunch of long cords attached to a box, or smaller versions of this type of plastic and metal box rich peoples houses. However he never saw any real use for it. His friend called it a computer. He tried to mess with one once, but it was a mystery to him, and he figured it was junk. The record showed a debate in ledger form as he read. Explaining this theory, and showing the reaction of some kind of powerful council at the time, much like our international council, that never seemed to do anything good or help anybody. It was clear that they did not want to hear it at all. Shida wondered if there were a lot of people who were tired of never being heard today also.. Traveling across the wastes, never staying in one place for too long; could get hard, and lonely. Shida knew that he was no savory kind of individual, but he did know how to break into a house, or hijack and collect money from a party of fifty people with two good men that could follow orders. He never looked at those kind of people, as really people, the ones getting robbed, or doing the robbing. However, they knew they were risking their lives, so Shida never had anything to worry about. However, with this bunch, they'll likely all get killed before we even get to our first destination. He thought to himself looking back up at the sky and shaking his head as if asking "God, why?" He put out his cigar on his boot and stood up to head over back to the others, when he noticed a blur shooting off into the horizon of the sunset in the distance as he looked back. "Who could that have been?" "What the hell is going on over there? They're all standing around talking?... Oh well. That cigar was the most peaceful meal of my day. Ain't no body gonna ruin this vibe for me. Especially not that whimsically destructive girl, AERILYN." He spouted her name in a childish kind of disgust. After this, I am certainty going to woo her into my arms, and cuddle with her all night." [i]Ahhuhhhh?! What am I saying all of the sudden? She's not even my type, and I doubt she'll ever like a guy like me anyways..[/i] Shida grew extremely pale, and looked around at the ground to the side of his head to see if the words fell out of his ear from his brain. Because that's what it felt like in a moments notice. He glanced over to Aerilyn and the others for a moment. He saw Aerilyn and them talking. She then turned to say something in his general direction, as she lifted up her arm and gave him the middle finger. He figured she wasn't saying anything good about him. Although he truly did harbor contempt for the girl already, and he hated almost everything about her. It sure made him feel better than when people said nice things to each other, that is, he enjoyed it more when people were trying to offend one another, he found it much more lively. He stood up, intending to say something back at her, but then he looked around him and noticed Cora and Will her completely gone. He heard Aerilyn gasp for a moment, and when he saw her composure shift strongly, freezing still; he went over to her. "They're probably off messing around in the bushes already, I'd sure find it interesting if we wen off to go do the same. Right Aerilyin?" He looked at her, grinning and making eyebrows at her. Trying very hard not to laugh, he winked at her and perked his lips together and began making horrifying kissy faces, while hugging himself. He turned around squirming his body. "Oh yeah Will, spray me all over, if you melt a girls ice so quickly there won't be anything left for Shida. Aerilyn will be so jealous too."