[b]"Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately."[/b] Yay. Seatmates. I mean, this was just processing in her brain while everyone was groaning and shit. That's why she was puzzled, because she didn't hear anything before this. But yeah, seatmates. Very original. She thought that the seats they were in were going to be their seats for the rest of the year, but nope. It was a bit confusing, but she went with it. There really was nothing to complain about so far. Maybe the next thing coming up? She didn't know. [b]"Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo."[/b] What a fucking coincidence. She got seated with the only person that she really knew. I mean, that was surprising, actually. She just met Jeremy in the auditorium, and now she's seatmates for him for the rest of the year. Yay. Hooray. This is going to be [i]so[/i] exciting. I am so surprised. I'm purposely repeating myself over and over to make it seem like I'm happy. [b]Please sit with your seatmates. After that, you have your free time until the bell rings for break."[/b] Okay, so we have free time...until we have free time. Great schedule, really makes sense that he have free time until we have even more free time. I thought they planned out the first day with actual work and shit? No? That's just me? Okay. [b]"One more thing, due to some.. bad behaviour from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends."[/b] That's what they were groaning about. Really? About homework? Shit you'll get for the rest of the year, until you're out of college? Fucking wimps. I mean, homework really isn't that hard at all. All you have to do is answer questions that are usually about what you learned that day or what you already should know. Now she's going to hear 'LOL YOU'RE SUCH A NERD' for the rest of the year just for this. It was really annoying, how your fellow students could get over the simplest of things. Fuckers. "Come on people, it's not like you have [i]lives[/i] or anything?" She said, trying to annoy the students further. While they were heavily annoying, it was a bit fun trying to piss them off. And it was true. They don't have anything to really do after school, unless the girls are huge sluts and the guys are manwhores, then they don't have 10 people trying to follow them around asking for anal sex. Hell, now she's getting glares. It didn't really matter. Maybe she'll blow up the school. Probably. That'd be fun. Just kidding. I mean, then they'd scream 'RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES' and shit as well. And judging from the glares, they might actually think that she'd enjoy this. Because obviously, she's a neeeeeeerd now. At least now they have something to do, other than jumping inside of TVs and beating monsters with imaginary friendly monsters. Oh look, a reference. She also noticed Jeremy sitting next to her after a while. There was nothing really wrong. Hey, maybe she wouldn't have a social life? She wouldn't mind. That means that she doesn't have to deal with friends' social life, because then they'd be asking other friends for help and then they might ask her for help as well. It'll be like an ask for help simulator, or maybe it'd become Elite Beat Agents all over again. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! And shit like that. That'd be funny. Then she wouldn't help them, because that'd be heavily annoying anyways. I mean, it might seem cruel, but if you can't deal with your love life yourself, you shouldn't even have a love life anyways. Advice from Sonya, the troublemaker as of today and the rest of the year. Hooray. Yay. Now everyone's going to die because of a cliche terrorist attack from 5 miles away, and somehow they will blow up the school? Why? Because it's an anime RP, why the fuck not? The GM can do anything she wants anyways, so it won't make sense at all in the end. That's how RPs end up, right? Everyone dies, right? That's what's supposed to happen, right? /shot Oh, and Sonya waved back and shit. I got carried away.