[quote=R4inator] I'm rather new around here, may I join? [/quote] Hey there, why dont you battle me? I'm currently in the process of shaking off the rust, heres a character for you to face if you are interested. [b]Name:[/b] Daxius 'Danger' Vinnerall [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 [b]Weight::[/b] 162 ilbs [b]Race:[/b]Half Elf/Half Demon [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/157/4/4/a_horned_swordsman_by_jitariman-d52i2c4.jpg[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Ronin [b]Weapons:[/b] Rune Edge: A large enchanted sword forged from the bones of a chaos dwarf, inside of a cursed volcano, it has the properties of heat and explosive magic that can be used to cause heavy damage, though Dax isnt immune to this energy he must be careful not to blow himself apart. Other then that its a fairly well balanced sword, very heavy but Dax can wield it well with one hand because of his enhanced strength and dexterity.(pictured in main image) [b]Throwing Knives:[/b] Dax carries 20 kunai blades which he can hurl with amazing strength and precision. [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130803112500/warframe/images/3/35/Kunai2.png[/img] [b]Lasso Claw:[/b] Dax has a custom grappling hook which he has modified to not only climb tall structures but to use in battle, his training allows him to use it as a lasso or as a long range flail, the rape is about 12 feet long an is made from elven twine making it very strong and impossible to cut with normal weapons, it as also very lightweight and resistant to fire. The 'claw' on the end of the grappling hook is fierce looking steel double pronged hook which can cause very painful injury if it sinks into flesh. [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110622023015/tenchu/images/thumb/8/81/GrapplingHook.jpg/250px-GrapplingHook.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities:[/b] Dax is skilled adventurer with superhuman strength and agility which allow him to traverse the dangerous areas he usually travels through. He has all the nessecary skills in parkour, wall climbing, grappling hooks, jumping, swimming which allow him to get through almost any area with reletive ease. Dax's sword fighting is mostly self taught, but he has honed his style over 5 years and his demon blood allows him to pick up fighting abilities a lot quicker then normal humans, in a word he was born to fight well, and he does. He employs a very freeform style of fighting which allows him to combine his amazing strength and nimble reflexes to be constantly moving and keep his opponents off guard, he has an excellent sense of balance which adds to his formidable swordsmanship, but he was never formally trained with with blade and prefers to avoid 'normal' restricted sword duels as his fighting strength is in his creativity.