Millie didn't miss the movement Deon made as she sat down on the loveseat. His arm was a little tighter than she cared for, but she didn't comment, she simply made a subtle movement to put some additional space between them. She wasn't interested in becoming another of Deon's numbers and he, as well as most of the other Wolves, knew Millie was more or less off limits - self-proclaimed or otherwise. She couldn't help but smirk when Victor made the dramatic show of kissing her hand and she playfully shoved his shoulder as he sat down. "OK, Cyborg, a simple [i]hello[/i] would have sufficed." Deon's comment made her roll her eyes at Victor. "Not [i]your[/i] woman, D," She told him, "Not anybodys woman." If Victor wasn't there, she'd have made it clear that if she was going to be anybodys woman, it wouldn't be his, but with the audience it would hurt Deons pride too much. Deon had way too many notches in his bedpost, too many fingernails down his back. Sure, plenty of the Wolves had been around, everybody had a random, but Deons record was pretty much off the chart. It wasn't just word of mouth with him, either, it was fact. And Deon cared far too much for his reputation to let anything - especially a girl - get in the way of that. Still, he was fun for a bit of conversational banter every now and then. "I'm not bad, Cyborg." She told Victor, smiling and offering the biscuit packet to him, raising her eyebrows, amusedly, when Deon made a point of reaching into her lap to get one. She placed the packet down on the floor after that. "What about you? Victors reply was interrupted by Deons comments about the topless cheerleaders. She opened her mouth to snap back, but he obviously knew her too well and cut her off before she had the chance. [i]And you want me to win.[/i] She did want him to win, that much was true, but she wasn't going to strip for it in some skeezy fight bar. The men in there got pretty gropy when women was fully clothed, let alone half naked, but it wasn't that she was worried about. Not only could Millie handle herself pretty well, but half of the Wolves went to those clubs and they'd have her back, or any of the other gangmembers backs, in a split second. Especially if a guy was taking it too far. Apparently, that was Deons own special trick and he got uncomfortable when other guys tried to overstep the mark with [i]his woman.[/i]. She didn't care about the reactions from the guys at the bar, but she wanted to maintain some of her dignity and a little illusivity with regards to their rivals, The Lost Ones. She didn't want to chance across one of them in a vulnerable, half naked position, as would be her luck. She'd managed to keep her name away from most gossip lines, but that wouldn't last very long if she was flashing people in bars. Her name would spread like wild fire, probably. She'd become known as the Amaranth's cheap little sleeze. No, Deon could make some of his groupies go topless for him. "I refuse to go topless, it would be far too much of a distraction for you." She teased, "But I will be there. Why not, eh? Anything for the chance to possibly see your ass get beat." She grinned and winked at him before pushing herself up off the chair. She paused as she made her way to the exit and looked back at Victor. "Hey, you should come, it'll be fun. I'll see if Angel wants to come. Make it a group thing." And with that, Milie made her way out of the door, moving towards the stairs and going up a level instead of down. She wanted to see if Angel was back from her rooftop detour.