Aerilyn looked over to Gilfred and nodded. [b]"The more the merrier."[/b] Then she looked at their small group and sighed silently. It wasn't a sigh of despair, but rather of disappointment. They had only an inkling as to where their friends were. Of course, they had plenty of their own little pets, whatever they had been called, to help search for them. Just as she thought about them, Skyff perched upon her shoulder. From his mind, she could see exactly the spot where they may be kept, but that was from the skies, where there were fewer obstacles. She didn't know if there were any Vygorns that may have decided to go out in search of their comrades. [i]We're going to be treading terrible water...[/i] She thought this with a small frown. Just as she was about to say that since they were all there and should get moving before thy ran out of time, she glanced over at Shida and her eyes seemed to burn with a fire. Suddenly, she was doing her best to get her face in his, but due to the height difference it wouldn't happen, and she growled audibly. [b]"we don't have time to play games here, you dishonorable twat!"[/b] Just then, it felt like there was a blade bein pressed against every inch of his exposed neck, but there were no blades to be seen. She was inadvertently using the air around her to become blades. She even had the tip of her dagger dangerously close to the soft spot between his legs. Her face was stoic as usual, but her eyes and the air about her said that she was otherwise. Then she withdrew back as swiftly as she had moved forward and the air about them became calm and composed. [b]"We should get moving before something happens to those two."[/b]