Dean's face opened up into a shocked, and almost relieved face as she 'came clean' to him about who Mika was to her. He began fumbling, attempting to find words, as the door to the hotel room closed at John's exit. Dean shifted, glancing to the door, and then back to the table in front of him as he finally figured out what to say. "All the more reason that I can't let you go. We'd make a hell of a team. Admit it. You get into more messes than anyone I've ever known. You need someone there to save your ass…", he murmured as John entered the room once more and gave him some sort of signal. Dean narrowed his eyes and waved his father off, before John grabbed the phone from him, and closed it. "What the hell, dad?!", he cried out, reaching and grabbing for the phone. John held it high, and finally shoved it into his back pocket as he stared Dean down. "This has to stop." "What are you - ?", Dean started, but John held up a hand. "I found the note, and how many times have we been over this same crap? Dean, she's dead. She's gone. I know I shouldn't just say it, to you, but you have to face the music. Sam's worried about you. He thought you were dead, or at least out somewhere lost and hurt, but instead you're shacked up with some girl you don't even know…", John scolded. "She almost died…She's a hunter." "A hunter. Wonderful. Hunters don't have relationships, Dean. Hunters live for the job, and they die young. How many times have you seen this? It happens all around you, over and over, and still you hang onto this notion that you're going to find some proof of Mika's conspiracy theory? She's dead." "I KNOW! You don't have to keep reminding me! You know how many times I've played it over in my head that if I had've been there, she might still be alive. Her parents could still be here, and either I would be dead, or I would have saved them. Do you know how many times I've thought about making some sort of deal, or at least reaching out to Missouri, and finding out what she knows?! You don't have to keep telling me that she's DEAD!…", Dean lashed out, his face only inches from Johns. After a few tense seconds, he stepped away from his father, and grabbed his coat, along with the note, which he folded and shoved in his pocket. Turning, he held out his hand, "Give it to me…" John stood still, not moving, and still staring at Dean's eyes, he pulled the cellphone from his pocket, holding it out. Dean snatched it from his hand, and slammed the door behind him as he left.