" my wings can't come of other angels already tried that, why do you think I'm here in the first place huh, no reasonable Angel goes past the boarder. " She smirked a lot more. " Have you any idea what they do to angels who aren't qualified to be a guard or take care of humans, they are sent back to earth with there wings torn off but of course something that was me in my past years. " She started a laughter that sounded like she was the one who was lucky k, to be inside of a cage. " Jessica was in fact completely replaceable, sent across the boarder chasing a bird. They just wanted her gone and she was fine with that. She laughed again smirking, " I was sent here just to annoy you guys and I think I'm doing my job. I'm replaceable, a lost cause. " Her smirk was undisturbed by her words. " You really think a Angel would go past the boarder for a bird. " She laughed and brushed of her dress it slowly turning more gray and less tattered.