Angel had wandered for a couple minutes. Not only was it good exercise, but jumping across and walking on the roofs of the city was a pleasant experience for her. There was little threat of danger as well. She could come out there, unarmed, and just think. Although sometimes she found that having too much time to mull things over lead to overthinking, and overthinking lead to stress, which was the exact opposite of what she needed then. So, she resolved to make this little walk a short one. She didn't venture out very far into the city, only about six or seven roofs before turning around. Her way back was equally as uneventful, but the rain was beginning to let up a little. Angel pulled her hood down and breathed in the fresh, warm air that was laden with humidity. It smelled nice and helped greatly in relaxing her and putting her in a good state of mind, which was good because it aided in her focus and thinking skills. When she finally made it back to the roof of the Wolves' hideout, the rain had stopped completely, though the moon was invisible as clouds still lingered in the dark sky. She remember that Deon had shouted something to her about a match he was having that night. She was [i]not[/i] going to be one of his "shirtless cheerleaders," but it'd be nice to go to a bar and unwind a bit with a drink. As she rushed down the stairs from the top, Angel suddenly encountered Millie, who was on her way up the stairs. "Millie!" Angel stopped. "Where were you going? Were you heading up to the roof? Don't go up there by yourself right now, it's already starting to get late." She pulled off her wet hoodie as it had served its purpose already. "Did Deon tell you anything about a fight?" she asked her, as she draped the hoodie over a doorknob. "We could go together if you don't have any plans already. He's a great fighter."