Escaping the guards was not too hard. Sam had done it many a time. But escaping the guards with a bulging back of gold in one hand and in a crowded street was a different matter. He was moving as fast as possible through the thronging crowds, which wasn't that fast at all, and was only too aware of the guards shouting "Stop, thief!" behind him. In an attempt to shake them, he veered into an alley and took a series of random turns, eagre to lose his persuers in the network of backstreets. The noise of the guards was fading, and with a glance over his shoulder, he confirmed the dank alleyway was empty for now. Slowing to a brisk jog, he turned a corner, right into the path of a panicked looking woman. They collided and the bag of money slipped his grasp. The women immediately apologised and knelt to help pick up the scattered coins, twinkling in the early day sun like a hundred miniature suns of his own. Sam took this opportunity to study her. She was crimsean, judging by her appearance, and looked as if she was all too keen to lose a persuer too. The women spoke, confirming what he had thought of a Crimsian heritage, and identified herself as cassia. just as he was about to introduce himself in a return,the noise of an explosion reached the pair and the look of worry intensified on Cassia's face. "I know you don't know me, nor do I know you, but I must go with you, where ever it is you go. Please, my people's lives depend on it. Will you help me stranger?" she exclaimed. Sam quickly thought this over, he had nothing against Crimseans, in fact if anything he pitited them. They had their homeland ripped away from them and their culture was at risk by being dilutes. Some however, as Sam knew, held different views. Perhaps that is why she is worried, he mused in his head, maybe she was being persued by some racist thugs. Deciding it would probably serve them both to get out of the alley he simply said "Follow me". Pulling his lockpicks and what looked like a metal syringe from within hidden pockets stitched into the lining of his greatcoat. Using the 'syringe' he applied some oil to the hinges of a nearby door, it was a large, simple door which Sam was hoping would lead to a house. He set to work on the lock and within about 15 seconds a soft click could be heard, easing the door open he motioned for Cassia to be quiet and they both slipped inside. After Sam left Cassia in the kitchen of the home, he checked the rest of the home and found it unoccupied. He returned downstairs and set the bag of gold on the table, "Right" he said "Who or what are you running from?".