[i] ''I was born in these woods. We do not have long lives, but still l have seen some of these trees grow from sapling to soon-to-be towering oaks. I have the memories of greener days where I, as a small pup, was running through the woods and plains of this glorious forest we call home. So much as it changed now...or is it simply the lost of innocence from our younger days that disappeared? I could not tell, but it matters little to me now. The well being of this pack is all that matter to me as well as most of my fellow pack members, I am sure. The forest has become restless as of late. The Two-Paws walkers only come rarely here, they prefer to remain in the safety of their self-made forests created from stone and metal. As should they. No, they are not the reason behind the agitation of this place. Many preys have left the area for reasons unknown, leaving us in bitter rivalry with the northern neighboring Winter-Wind pack. They are weaker and less numerous, but their nonstop guerrillas tactics made the hunt even more dangerous than it was before. Now that we must bring more of our hunters to the hunt, we fear for he safeties of our pup. If only the Winter-Wind were the only problem... a group of aggressive Bears have settled in the western hills, making it an off-limit zone for both clans and limiting the hunting grounds. Despite all this, we will come out on top as we always did. The Dark-Wood pack have been roaming these parts forever, and so shall it remain. I may not be the Alpha, but as long as I, Styrke, remain alive I won't let my brothers or sisters falter.'' [/i] The mighty wolf stood up from the large rock over viewing the whole of the pack's home, his grey and brown fur moving in the wind as he looked down. There were different dens all across the place, some of them having pups sleeping in them still. Others were out playing while the adults got ready for the coming day; Warriors and Scouts would ready themselves to go out on patrol while Hunters came up with a plan for today's hunt. This was what Styrke loved to see. A strong willed pack that did nto give up despite the hard times.