After removing her blade from the orc's chest, a squirt of blood immediately lashed out. Riki immediately turned away and distanced herself from the dead orc and the others. Between deep breaths she wiped the blood from her sword and tried to slow down her rapidly beating heart. In a smooth motion she sheathed her blade and gave the orc one last glance before trying to forget about it. [b] "Just so you know, you might not of asked for help, but I wouldn't be a good leader if I let any of my team members get injured if I could help it. I couldn't do anything to stop Rafa from getting hit, but I wasn't about to let you get injured as well just because of overconfidence and pride. You might be new to the Wolves, but we are a team, a family and we watch out for each other." [/b] "Yeah yeah, whatever you say" Riki was pouty as she replied, not paying too much mind to the lecture. "Don't think I owe you anything. I'm not a princess waiting to be rescued, got it?" As far as loot goes there wasn't really anything for Riki to take. Their armor was too heavy, and their weapons too imprecise. And all their clothes were at least three times her size. She found a few gold pieces and a bottle of ale, but nothing worthwhile. Riki was sort of moody afterwards. She wasn't particularly fond of taking lives. It may seem contradictory, but she liked to fight but not to kill. Too bad one usually followed the other. Following her team back she stayed in the back trying to avoid the idealistic Arthur. What he said before still kind of irked her. They were a team, sure, but a family? Riki's loyalty to the squad of strangers is as thin as it could possibly be. No offense to them, it's just how it is.