Tufang Bloodsnort had seen better days. . . with the loss of sight on his left eye and a scar telling the story of how the battle had been fought out and ended for him at least, with him having showed weakness in his own words. Tufang had just woken up from his sleep within the den, opening his eyes that met with only one seeing the sun light slowly showing the dens entry which his head was facing towards. Rasing his body up from the ground and now standing on his four legs and walking towards the entry to at least get fresh enough until he had to watch the little pups while the others were hunting or scouting the areas, that was still deemed safe enough. Looking around the rocky den he wondered how many generations of proud and loyal Dark woods pack members have lived and died for the pack. The insides of the den was, of course diffrent in height and size of spaces to sleep and eat. Tufang was at a normal paste moving closer towards the entry which light was emitting from and hitting his right eye that he could see through seeing the proud Styrke just standing their on the large rock, moving closer he did stop a away from him to show respect " Morning great Beta" he said as he lowered his head a little