Nyx stood in the drizzling rain, her coat managing to bounce most of the drops away but some still found their way past her defences. She simply sighed and crossed her feet slightly before the door swung open. In its place was someone who she initially thought to be her master, even though she heard it was a woman. Noticing the collar, she suddenly realised that he was a slave - and what a slave he was. He was well kept, nicely groomed and packed some muscles. He was also quite hot so Nyx felt a little reassured knowing her mistress had an appetite. With a nod, she trailed after his broad strides and tried to keep up with her small and rather dainty frame. Her parents must have knew that they would be killed off if they refused to have another child, so her naming was their way of giving their daughter a bit of a good-luck charm in life. Her namesake, the Goddess of night was a shadowy figure in Greek mythology but she was also very powerful. So much so, that even Zues feared her. Maybe that was what her parents were striving to achieve in her? She didn't know of course, so instead of bombarding her mind with any more questions, she moved over to the fireplace but didn't take a seat. Slaves were never regularly offered seats so she thought it was a bit of a trick and decided not to fall for it. Instead, she poured herself out some tea and sipped it as she stood and stared into the fire.