(oh god. I still have to deal with my nieces. -_-'. But at least on July 22 a new season of a one of my favorite shows is coming back. :D omg. these two are just so cute and sweet. I am seriously debating if we should put them in the same house just because I don't think we should separate them. x3 but than, they'll still be best friends! and it will be even cuter, if they're in different houses :3) John nodded slowly, a look of concern and even fear flashing across his face. It was so [i]nerve racking[/i] for him. It was most likely because this was a brand new world, one that had lots of exploring he could do. Hopefully with Sherlock. Which was a strange thought, because they had just become friends, but he was pretty sure they could easily become the best of friends. John had had good friends before, ones he got along with and trusted, but they were all rough and tumble sort of guys. John was pretty physically fit, of course, and could easily keep up with them. That hadn't been the problem - it had been more because they were not fun to hold a conversation with. He got out of their compartment, looking over to Sherlock for a bit of reassurance, before starting down the carriage, climbing off. He already felt that familiarity with Sherlock, where he was able to find comfort.