Chiron made his way to one side of the ping-pong table, looking at each of the demigods as he passed them. He hated the idea of having the entire camp confined to their cabins, especially the kids in Hermes, but he couldn't see any other way to protect them. There wasn't a lot he could do, since it was a demigod that did this. He drew in a deep breath as he tried to find the words to address them. Luckily, Press spoke before him, so he needed only to answer the question. He often found that much easier to do than give a speech. "I am afraid we're here for a matter that greatly affects both our camp and Mount Olympus. Several of the gods' symbols have been stolen," he paused. "As a few of you probably already know, only a demigod could be responsible for this, since the gods cannot meddle in each others' affairs. A few of the satyrs and I will be searching the possessions of campers and interrogating them if that is deemed necessary. I would prefer that you all keep the exact circumstances quiet, but please inform the other campers that searches will be conducted. Thank you. You are all dismissed,"