Kosso had only one bag to add to the crate containing the crew's luggage. [i]One bag, and a head full of memories. What's a life worth?[/i] If the cargo already stowed within the crate was any indication, it seemed that most of the "crew" had already gotten their things sorted. All piled together as it was, Kosso couldn't tell one bag from another, or even begin to guess at who owned what. [i]Just a bunch of strangers, jumping onto a bad idea together.[/i] Idly, he wondered if any of the new "recruits" would ever become more than just strangers to him. When he'd joined Nova, he'd felt much the same way he did now: like he was surrounded by circling sharks, each of them ready to spin on him with gnashing, vicious teeth if he turned his back. Much to his surprise, he'd come out of his Nova career with a trusted friend by his side...but all of these people were truly dangerous, verified thieves and murderers familiar with treachery and cold violence. As Tanya would say, they "made the hair on the back of his neck stand up," and after the tension of the group's first meeting, he didn't think those hairs would be settling anytime soon. Kosso tossed his own bag onto the pile. A plain grey duffle, it didn't contain much: A few sets of clothes, some miscellaneous bits of weapons tech...and stashed way at the bottom, wrapped carefully in fabric, a plain white bottle filled to the brim with Hallex. [i]That[/i] was what Kosso had been doing during his freetime before the mission. Drug dealers were everywhere on this station, and he was well practiced at finding their ilk. He'd found today's lucky pill-pusher behind a dilapidated bar on one of the station's lower levels, hawking his wares in the casual, subtle way that his kind always did. Despite the dingy place he'd set up shop, the Batarian dealer was offering good product and reasonable prices. Probably couldn't afford to drive a hard bargain, given Cartagena's market for this sort of thing. They'd made the transaction quickly, and Kosso had walked away with two dozen big translucent pills in a plain, unassuming bottle. And now here he was, stowing them away and trying not to look guilty about it. [i]Tanya's going to skin me alive if she finds out.[/i] His human companion wasn't a huge fan of having Hallex on board, and she wasn't afraid to let Kosso know her feelings on the subject. More than one fight on the [i]Jalopy[/i] had started over a handful of pills and a few heated words. As far as she knew, he hadn't touched the stuff in over a month...which was technically true, if you didn't count today. He did feel guilty about it, as if that was any consolation. [i]One dose, and the rest goes out the airlock,[/i] he told himself, knowing it was an empty promise. He'd just have to hope that with all the commotion with Siame and the new crew, Tanya wouldn't be paying much attention to him. Maybe she wouldn't pick up on the telltale signs that she (and only she, damn her) always seemed to notice when he'd been dosing, and he could finish this bottle without igniting another flame beneath their relationship. [i]And after this bottle is finished...[/i] Kosso sighed, pushing that thought away for another day. Right now he'd focus on problems as they presented themselves. With that resolution in place, he moved to meet with the rest of the group. Most of them were tricking into the hangar bay, with a few individuals still at large. Kosso hoped they'd all show up; the last thing they needed were drop-outs now after the plans were laid. The older Quarian nodded to him as he neared the group of "techies." He was a strange guy, sort of twitchy, but Kosso figured he was better by far than a good portion of the others, so it was him he addressed. "Make sure everyone that goes in your team is in constant communication, not only with each other but with all of us on the boarding team. Once we get this ship under control, we're going to be making a quick exit, and we don't want to leave anyone behind. A majority of the fighting is probably going to revolve around us and the ship, but you're certainly going to get some heat. Try to be quick. Doesn't matter if the job is dirty, as long as it gets done." A message was beeping on his omni-tool. Kosso had set up a system to notify him of any newsworthy events during his stay on the station; one such event was happening now as a Batarian extremist group and C-pat had apparently engaged in a sustained firefight somewhere on the far side of the station. Kosso sighed as he moved in with the rest of the boarding party, reading the details of the ongoing skirmish. "I'm just going to assume this isn't a coincidence."