[img=http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/86557/cute-Angel-Anime-Girl.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Evangeline 'Eva' Grimm [b]Age:[/b] 1,761 yo (looks 20) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Angel of Death [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] - [u]Fatal Kiss:[/u] the ability to suck the life out of her victims through mouth-to-mouth contact. Although she rarely uses this, she has great control over the final effect, whether it will actually kill the victim or not - [u]Shadow Servant:[/u] allows Eva's shadow to detach from her body and take on a solid form for a short period of time or no longer than 10 minutes. This allows her shadow to fight or pick up objects. However, Eva has very little control over this ability and when her shadow is detached, it has a mind of its own. Also, without her shadow she is unable to use her wings. - [u]Flight:[/u] Eva is highly skilled in this ability however, her left wing is slightly bent. [b]Items:[/b] A scythe passed down to her by her ancestors [img=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120712091740/finalfantasy/images/9/94/FFXI_Scythe_8A.png] [b]History:[/b] Eva is the only child born to two death angels that are direct descendants of the Grim Reaper. Being the only child and due to her heritage, Eva lived a lonely and isolated life. She was raised to be independent, to never rely on anyone and most of all, to hate any other species considered to be below their own, especially humans. She was nurtured through sin and raised by cruelty, always made to watch as her parents unceasingly took lives. Whether their victims were deserving or undeserving, whether they were criminals or the holiest of men, her parents would kill without mercy whenever it pleased them. They expected Eva to continue their legacy, however she had other plans in mind. After everything she had witnessed growing up, she realised that she was more than just the bringer of death, she was an influence. She realised that the thought of death, the idea of death would somehow invoke fear and fear was a powerful weapon. On her 600th birthday, she was sent on her first hunt and her victim was a human military captain. Her father's orders were to utilise the customary touch of death, however she disobeyed. She had expected that if she threatened the captain with his death, he would succumb to her and agree to do her bidding, providing her with her own servant. However, he was not so weak and endured a whole 7 days of excruciating torture without once begging for his life. Impressed by his will to live, she released her victim but her father was furious. Her father had ordered for her wings to be stripped, but she fled, escaping from the underworld with nothing but the Grimm scythe and finding herself on the surface of Earth. Keeping her identity a secret, she posed as a fallen guardian angel, watching over the strongest and the most powerful of the human race and other species among them. Eventually, her cruel heart began to change. Although she was still selfish and self-centred, she had no desire to kill mercilessly and only took life if she knew that it was necessary. After roaming the Earth for more than 1100 years, she heard word of the power of the Grimm scythe, a power that she had never heard of. But her curiosity got the better of her and eventually her travels led her to Coransea, a valley of Supernaturals, hoping to find answers. [b]Crush/Relationship:[/b] Single and no crush as of yet [b]Friends/Family:[/b] A descendant of the Grim Reaper, her parents being Damien and Lucia Grimm, two death angels with great reputations within their society. Eva is the only child. [b]Other:[/b] She has a small birthmark in the shape of a bone on waist, near the left side of her ribcage hope this is ok :) very first roleplay on this site! :) oh and please feel free to critique it as well.. i know the history is pretty long but hopefully its ok ^^