Name: Ash Godwin Cyber Nickname: DragonForce Echo Underground Nickname: Kiddy Kingpin Appearance: Ash has a porcelain skin tone, and a completely metallic right arm, which is a dark grey and is painted over with flames. He has light blonde hair, with black highlights, that is perpetually spiked upwards. He also has light green eyes. Ash almost always wears a grey hoody, black pants and bright red sneakers that have a green glow under them. He also wears a necklace that depicts two silver snakes encircling each other. Cliches: Underworld Drug Kingpin (4) Cybernetically Enhanced Anarchist (3) Cute Kid (2) Horror Movie Enthusiast (1) How You Got Here: Ash Godwin is not the normal ten year old boy, he was also lucky enough to have been born to an English "Off the Radar" Cyber-Docs Compound. The boy was taken at an early age to get cybered up, which he was totally cool with as that meant he'd be like, an epic robot or something. These new cybernetic enhancements made him a perfect candidate for helping society like the compound intended. However Ash, like any ten year old, had more important things to do, like make loads of money and get rid of adults and their stupid rules. Ash knew he would and could totally stay up late at night and gorge himself on synthetic popcorn flavored paste and watch B-Horror Flicks! So he weaseled his way into the Drug Market as he violently got rid of rival drug operations, who messed in his territories. And he constantly goes to message boards to spread the ways of Anarchy. Due to these factors, and learning that Steelhead Inc would be helpful to him, (plus the most important fact that Steelhead Inc sounds like an AWESOME NAME! And like the coolest dudes to hang out with) he joined Steelhead Inc without a second thought ready to do fun activities with them. Namely ones that involve crimes and awesome explosions and stuff.